A team from BioCosmos Kenya led by chair had earlier in the year visited Pwani University to request for permission to hold a public lecture in the institution. They also indicated the desire to donate copies of Little Book of Creation to students who will attend the public lectures and members of the BioCosmos Student Club. After a long period of follow-up through the Head of Philosophy and Religion Department, the Vice-Chancellor of the University honoured the request. The following Board members participated in the exercise and the public lecture at the institution:

  1. Richard Ochieng’ – Chair, BioCosmos Kenya: Topic – Introduction to Intelligent Design & Design in the Termite Nest
  2. Martin Tanui – Treasurer, BioCosmos Kenya: Topic – Science vs Faith: Is Intelligent Design the Answer?
  3. Morris Mwatu – Chair, PLSWC subcommittee: Topic – Discerning Origin of the Universe and Life: Evidence versus undirected processes
  4. Lencer Ndede – Chair, BCKSC subcommittee: Topic – Gaps in the Theory of Evolution

It is worth noting that Dr. Günter Bechly from Discovery Institute delivered his lecture entitled” The Waiting Time Problem and a New Challenge for Neo-Darwinism” virtually.

During the visit, the management was briefed on the mandate of BioCosmos Kenya and past activities undertaken by the Trust Foundation since its inception in Kenya as well as planned activities going forward. The management led by the Vice-Chancellor appreciated what BioCosmos Trust Foundation was undertaking. He was particularly passionate about the academic discourse that BioCosmos was promoting which is relevant and with interdisciplinary approach.

The process of implementation of ID curriculum in the University was also discussed. The ways in which the ID curriculum can be implemented in the institution were explained to the Management. The Management appreciated the role of BioCosmos Kenya in dissemination of ID knowledge through different ways and promised a cordial collaboration with BioCosmos Kenya. A process of establishment of BioCosmos student club in the University was also explained to the management and the role of the club members as peer educators. The Management was impressed and advised a follow up with the Office of Dean of Students so as to actualize the process.

The Books Donation ceremony was carried in the morning hours outside the main administration block. During the exercise 1,000 copies of the Little Book of Creation, 5 copies of How and Why the West Lost its Faith and 5 copies of The Mystery and Majesty of Life were officially presented to the University Management. Out of the 1,000 copies, 750 were taken to the library and 250 distributed to students who attended the public lecture. The Vice-Chancellor, Deputy-Vice Chancellor (ASA), the University Head Librarian and Programme Leader Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies received the books on behalf of the University. The Librarian in particular thanked BioCosmos Foundation for this donation and promised to follow-up on the mounting of ID programme so that the books are well utilized. The certificate course in ID would therefore be in line with this request. BioCosmos Foundation was also requested to provide support that includes but not limited to provision of other relevant teaching materials, training of faculty members at Discovery Institute and provision of scholarships to students to pursue ID. The University requested for more copies of How and Why the West Lost its Faith and The Mystery and Majesty of Life.


The Public Lecture was held in the afternoon. About 250 participants attended the lecture either virtually or physically. The audience was very much interested with the topics presented and the sessions were very interactive. Lots of questions were asked and discussion carried out on topics presented making the Public Lecture to end around at 6.00pm, two hours past the scheduled time. There was, however, a small hitch in sound during Dr. Gunter’s virtual presentation hence few questions were directed to him.

The visit to Pwani University was, therefore, very successful and objectives were met. The management was very receptive to the ID information and promised to support and walk with us in our journey of dissemination of ID information and implementation of the ID curriculum in the institution.