The Lecture was held at Great Lakes University of Kisumu in the lake region of Kenya in the University Multipurpose Hall. It started at 8.30am. Around 300 participants attended the lecture physically and it was also broadcasted live through YouTube and Facebook. The University management led by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (ARSA) appreciated the organization for the lecture as it was the first one in their academic year.
The Chair/CEO of BioCosmos Africa and the Chair BioCosmos Kenya explained to the participants the mandate of BioCosmos highlighting the past activities already undertaken since its inception in Kenya as well as planned activities going forward. They also explained about the Intelligent Design curriculum implementation process and establishment of BioCosmos student clubs in universities.
The lecturers were very fascinating and participants appreciated the lectures. During the plenary sessions, participants’ questions were answered appropriately by the two speakers. Copies of The Little Book of Creation and some copies of How and Why the West Lost its Faith and The Mystery and Majesty of Life books were distributed and BioCosmos Kenya shipped extra copies of Little Book of Creation to be issued to participants who missed the copies. The University organized a tree planting session at the end of the Public Lecture as a permanent mark to the great event.

Tree planting at Great Lakes University of Kisumu after the Public lecture on Intelligent Design
The DVC (ARSA) requested that BioCosmos Foundation and Discovery Institute equip the Intelligent Design corner in the New Library once it is completed, a matter that will be followed up so as to create a lasting memory for future generation .

Public Lecture audience at the Great Lakes University of Kisumu