The 2023 one-week round trip public lectures took place between 11th and 15th September, 2023 culminating into the 2ndBioCosmos conference on 16th September, 2023. Public lectures on Intelligent Design were delivered in four universities and one meeting held with church leaders. The theme was The Question of Intelligent Design: We follow the evidence where it leads. The following were the two main speakers for the public lecturers, the church leaders meeting and the annual conference:

  1. Dr. Casey Luskin – Discovery Institute
  2. Dr. Brian Miller – Discovery Institute

Some of the board members from BioCosmos Kenya and BioCosmos Africa accompanied the speakers during the public lectures. They included:

  1. Mr. Dag Kr. Norli – CEO/Chair, BioCosmos Africa, Norway 
  2. Mr. Rune Solli – Board member
  3. Dr. Richard Ochieng’ – Chair BioCosmos Kenya (University of Eldoret) 
  4. Prof. Donald Otieno – Vice Chair, BioCosmos Kenya (University of Eldoret).
  5. Dr. Lencer Ndede – Secretary, BioCosmos Kenya (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology).
  6. Fr. Martin Tanui – Treasurer, BioCosmos Kenya (University of Eldoret).
  7. Dr. Morris Maingi Mwatu – Organizing Secretary, BioCosmos Kenya (Alupe University) 

The following Board Members joined the other team and participants during the 2nd Annual BioCosmos Conference:

  1. Prof. Kjell Tveter – Board member
  2. Dr. Zekaria Fundusa – Board member
  3. Prof. James Nkansah – Obrempong, Board Member BioCosmos Kenya (Africa International University).
  4. Dr. Simon Gisege Omare – Vice Secretary, BioCosmos Kenya (Moi University).
  5. Dr. Gift Mtukwa – Board member BioCosmos Kenya (Africa Nazarene University) – Availed as new board member during the 2nd Annual Conference

During the round-trip lectures, the speakers gave lectures on the following areas:

  1. Introduction to Intelligent Design and Neo Darwinian Evolution 
  2. Positive case for design 
  3. Big Bang, Cosmic Design, and the Origin of Life
  4. Codes within Codes: How Information in Biology Points to Design
  5. A Scientific Critique of Common Ancestry
  6. Engineering revolution in Biology and thermodynamics 
  7. The Origin of life and Intelligent Design
  8. Evidence for design in the origin of the universe and the fine tuning of the laws of nature
  9. The fossil record: A challenge to Darwinism and support for Intelligent Design
  10. Evidence for design in a minimally complex cells and the reasons life could not have originated solely from physical processes