We kindly invite you to deepen your understanding of the theory of Intelligent Design by spending some time on this self-paced online seminar.
Launched in 2021, this platform was developed to provide scholars in Africa with a foundational understanding of Intelligent Design (ID). Supported by BioCosmos Africa, the platform is open to all faculty members interested in exploring the field of ID. We would like to gauge your readiness and availability to engage in this program, which aims to deepen your insights into the Theory of Intelligent Design. Participants will be equipped to pursue advanced studies in ID and will also gain the skills necessary to teach the theory effectively. Moreover, you will be positioned to participate in and support necessary BioCosmos Foundation activities in your country. This is an intensive self-paced course that requires a significant commitment and involves extensive online self-training materials, including readings and videos consisting of 42 lessons and 12 hours of video content.

The course is completely free, courtesy of BioCosmos Africa. If you are interested in participating, please email us for the Passcode at info@biocosmosafrica.org. Below, kindly find the detailed structure of the program that comprises of 8 units.


Unit 1: Introduction to Intelligent Design
Unit 2: Origin of Universe
Unit 3: Fine-tuning of the Universe
Unit 4: Origin of Life
Unit 5: Origin of Biodiversity
Unit 6: Common Descent
Unit 7: Human Origins and Human Uniqueness
Unit 8: Darwinism and its implication for Society and Faith

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